About Ben


IMG_5044Hello all, and welcome to my blog!

My name is Ben, and I am a university student studying journalism at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia.

Originally from Tasmania (the little island to the south of mainland Australia) I moved to Melbourne in 2011 to start a degree in journalism.

I have wanted to be a journalist since I was 11 years old.
Growing up in rural Tasmania, I wasn’t exposed to a wide range of newspapers (only those focussed on country issues), I did however, grow up watching Sunrise – a breakfast news and entertainment program. I credit my first seed of thought of becoming a journalist as coming from watching this show everyday religiously since I can remember.

Like most kids, as I grew older I kept changing my mind on what I wanted to be when I was a ‘grown-up’. These ideas ranged from the general teenage boy dream-careers of airline pilot, police man, and going on the Big Brother reality TV show, winning it and then retiring at the age of 20 with the prize money, even though this may be a strange career choice, I did have some even more outlandish career choices from a young age, including wanting to be a lawyer, and a politician. However; I always seemed to go back to my original idea of wanting to be a journalist as I love the way that journalists have the role of telling others stories and meeting people who the everyday person would not generally get to meet.

It is for this reason why I am now studying to be a journalist, and loving every aspect of the career and in particular, broadcast journalism!

I enjoy writing about local issues, as well as both domestic and foreign politically infused articles.

You can get in contact with me by various means:




There we go folks, that’s who I am, enjoy!


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